
How To Find Your Freelance Writing Niche In The Saturated Copywriting Market

When I started out as a freelance copywriter, I didn’t know what niche I should get into. So, I made a list of all the subjects that I thought I had some knowledge in and tried to find clients in each one of those fields.


In doing so, I made one of the biggest mistake that new copywriters make, that is, they spread their wings so wide that nobody can recognize what they are really good at.


If you are a new freelancer and do what I did, your writing career will become so scattered that neither you, nor your readers can tell what your expertise is. This will in turn affect your earning and ability to get high paying work in future.


You should keep in mind that while it might take long to establish yourself as an influencer in a copywriting niche that you choose, you will get better paying gigs in future when people identify you as an expert.


Now that that is out of the way, it is time to discuss the question of how to find the right freelance writing niche.

 How To Find A Freelance Writing Niche

There are a number of software applications that can help you to find the most lucrative writing niches. Most of them look at the potential of the niche based on keyword search volume. 


This means that the software will suggest to you the niches that pay the most to writers or those that have a lot of work, but they do not factor in your interests and desires.


Therefore, the real answer for "how to find my freelance writing niche” should come from you after looking at your strengths and interests


Below are the three considerations that I think are most important when choosing the copywriting niche to specialize in:


1. Are You Passionate About The Niche?


You should only get into a field that you are passionate about. Start by identifying your likes and then make a list of all the subjects that you love to write about. When selecting the niche, you should consider the fields that you believe that you could make a real difference in. This will help you to narrow down your choice to that one topic that you love most.


For instance, if you are a medical writer, you can narrow down your choice to a disease that you are more knowledgeable about like cancer, or about health and fitness, or about children’s health instead of writing about broad medical topics.


2. Is the Niche Profitable?


Freelancers should not choose a niche based solely on the amount of money that they earn from it. However, low pay can quickly erode any enthusiasm that you had when choosing the niche.

Therefore, you should make sure that the copywriting niche has a good pay per article.

A simple google search will help you to know which niches have the highest rates. Most fields will pay you between $100 and $1000 dollars for a simple blog post. Other complex tasks will fetch up to 5,000 dollars. Choose the copywriting niche that has a good pay, but one that you are interested in.


3. Can You Provide Any Value To The Field?

You should choose a niche that you are either very knowledgeable about or one that you have an interest in learning about. You should not be afraid to go into fields that you have no academic background in. 


This is because copywriting is more about marketing and psychology than it is about the technical aspects of the subject matter.


All websites exist with the aim of attracting and converting leads into paying customers. If you believe that you can write persuasive content in the field, give it a try. You will learn more about the industry as you research and write more content.