
Low Quality Content: 7 Possible Reasons Why Your Content Sucks

Every writer hopes that people will find value in their writing and convert into paying customers. Therefore, it can be disheartening to see your blog or website receiving very few visitors or having very little –or no- engagement.

When website owners see a decline in readership and post engagement, they often try to write more content hoping that the new content will improve conversion.

However, low conversion is usually not a result of having a few blog articles, but the fact that the content itself is not good enough.

So, how do you solve this problem?

You should learn the types of content that turn your readers off and the factors that make your audience skim, ignore, bounce, or click away once they land on your page.

Once you learn which low quality content is making visitors to bounce as soon as they land on the page, you should write better content to try to improve the time that visitors spend on the website.

Below are some of the reasons why your content might turn off your readers.


1. Your Content looks Like It’s Written For Robots

As a content writer, you get pulled in a lot of different directions. One piece of content has to accomplish a lot:


  • Entice people to share on social media
  • Make people want to buy from you
  • Appear in prominent positions on search engines


Unfortunately, some webmasters forget that content should address the needs of their users, but instead write content to satisfy search engines.


Writing your content for search engines will get you a high bounce rate, and may also get you a google penalty because search engines are smart and can recognize content that is meant to game the ranking algorithm.


As a marketer, your number one goal should be to satisfy the informational needs of your target audience. Do not just write with the sole purpose of ranking or stuff keywords on your content because that will only turn off your audience. Always write for people first then optimize your content.


However, writing high quality content does not have to come at the expense of search engine rankings and SEO. You can integrate ethical SEO practices within your content without appearing like you want to game the search engines.


One such practice is by using the keywords that your want to rank for naturally within the body of the article.


2. Your Content Is Boring

You do not have to write an award-winning piece every time. However, you need to think about your reader first when writing. You will lose your audience if you decide to dump some text into a document that has no point or hook. Note that the headline and introduction are important to hooking your reader.


When writing the introduction, ask yourself if:

  • You sold your point
  • Will your audience be excited to read what is next?


Try improving your introduction with some of these tips:

  • Quotes – you can use quotes but you have to be careful not to overuse them.
  • Storytelling – this is a perfect technique for setting the stage or illustrating an idea.
  • Data and visualizations – Humans like to use all of their senses. Data will help your readers follow along.

3. Your Content Is Insulting

Insulting your audience is worse than boring them to death. We have all seen companies that have made headlines for making a blatantly insulting remark on email, a blog post, or on social media. Before writing down anything.

  • Do your research
  • Follow your gut
  • Do not be impulsive

4. Your Content Is About Your Products

No one will listen to you if you decide to make your content about your brand. Let us be honest, would you want to be with someone who is talking about themselves? Then why would your audience listen you? Make use of the customer-centric content strategy. Build content that focuses on benefiting your audience as opposed to the features of your product or service.

Instead of writing all your content about you or your product, include information that the target audience would find helpful. You can then include information about how your service or product can help them, and  a call to action at the end.


Once you answer the client’s questions, many of them will have no difficulty giving you their business.


5. Your Content Has No Merit

Incorrect, false, or unsubstantiated information will turn off your readers. Use authoritative sources to back up your claims. Facts and statistics from a trusted resource can go a long way in helping to illustrate your point and convince your reader. You will also get bonus points for making your information more visually appealing with charts, graphs or other visual aids. These help break up big blocks of text and keep your reader interested in what you have to say.


6. Your Content Is Salesy

Everyone wants more leads and revenue. If you have studied some inbound marketing then you know that you should have a relevant call to action at the end of your content to help move your audience to the next step. However, that does not mean that your entire blog needs to be pushy and salesy.


If you do that, you will only annoy your readers and they will see right through you. Focus on the truth and helping your readers.


7. Your Content Is Saying Too Much

You have probably heard about how longer content is better for search engines. However, it is a big mistake to create long content for the sake of search engines. At the same time, if you cut off your content and fail to address the main question then your readers will leave to seek for a solution elsewhere. Let the needs of the audience dictate the length of your content.


Rather than sticking to a specific length for all your content, make sure you:

  • Are Useful
  • Know your audience
  • Develop content that helps them make their decisions

If you do this, you don’t need to worry about the word count because you are sure that you have communicated what you wanted as clearly as possible.



Creating useful and interesting content is the key to online success. For your content to be userful, you have to get a deep understanding of your audience. To do this, you should carry out research on the audience to understand what they care about. After this, you should write content that best addresses those concerns or problems. Once you establish what your audience needs you will be able to write content that excites and motivates them to action. Avoid taking shortcuts and make sure you put in the work from the beginning in order to have a quality product in the end.


If you cannot write high quality content, hire our copywriters to assist you do it