
Hire Fantasy or Sci Fi Writers : Job Description, Job Requirements, and Salary

Fantasy or Sci Fi Writers Job summary

Fantasy or sci fi writers create original written works that are not intended to be taken as literally true. They create new ideas for stories through creative thinking and the use of writing exercises.


They are authors of novels, plays, movies, poetry, songs and other original writings. They may publish their own writings, submit work to other publishers or accept commissioned assignments.


Fantasy or sci fi writer’s education requirements

There are no formal education requirements for fantasy writers. However, a bachelor’s degree in language or writing is an added advantage.


Most of them learn through practise and end up perfecting their skills and techniques. Those who are interested to write professionally should at least finish high school and if possible attend a good liberal arts college with a highly rated English department.


Fantasy Or Sci Fi Writer’s Duties

The following are duties of sci fi or fantasy writers:

  • They use a variety of writing exercises and prompts to stimulate inspiration for new writings.
  • Balancing artistic creativity with craft skills so that readers envision the story playing out.
  • Researching in order to create a sense of creativity.
  • Rewriting and revising already written stories.
  • Conducting meetings with publishers, clients and other writing professionals interested in purchasing their writings.
  • Fantasy or sci fi writer’s duties


Fantasy Or Sci Fi Writer’s Salary Information

The average salary of fantasy or sci fi writers is about $60,000. However, this may change based on the education level as well as a writers experience.


Hire a fantasy or sci fi writer

If you need to hire a fantasy or sci fi writer, use the order form above to submit your content request.


You can hire a fantasy or sci fi writer from our content writing service in 3 easy steps:

  1. Submit your content request using the order form on this page
  2. Receive proposals from our writers and deposit money into your account. Select the writer you feel can do your job in the best way possible
  3. Receive well written content from the selected fantasy or sci fi Writer, review it, and pay the writer