
Marketing Copywriting: How To Write Copy That Sells

Marketing Copywriting: How To Write Copy That Sells

An awesome copy is the backbone of marketing. In order to get your audience to act, you need to grab their attention, hold it keep it engaged, and guide them to their intended action. Every marketing initiative includes some sort of copy.

What is marketing copywriting? Why is it important? How can you become amazing at it?

Copywriting is writing any sort of language to be used in advertising. The term copy is also used to describe text on websites social media, marketing emails and so much more. Copywriting is a profession in itself. However, it is also a critical skill that all great growth marketers should have in their toolbox. Writing a copy that grabs your audience's attention, with the right messaging that resonates is not easy. However, with the right tips, it is a piece of cake.

Copywriting vs. Storytelling

Today, everyone has a story or content to share. But, what makes your content matter? The foundation of good copywriting is storytelling, but they are not mutually dependent. The word storytelling explains itself. It is about telling stories, and being able to engage your audience, or to make something more clearly. Things that elevate storytelling include photos, pictures, graphs, and videos. Storytelling is about painting a picture, setting the scene, and taking the reader on a journey.

Copywriting is one of the most important elements of all forms of advertising and marketing and is also tied to great storytelling. Copywriting is like a call-to-action on a bigger scale. It is a way of trying to catch your audience’s attention and make them feel, think, or respond. The products, called copy or sales copy, are the written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade the audience to perform a particular action. Copywriting is improved by the ability to tell a good story. However, you should not let storytelling take over from the end goal which is getting your reader to take action.

A Guide On How To Write Better Copy

  1. Headline Writing

When writing a headline, start with the 4U’s that produce powerful content. The 4U’s include: useful, urgent, unique, and ultra-specific.

  1. Use Common Spelling

It is important to use correct spelling when writing a copy. Most readers tend to notice spelling mistakes rather than grammatical errors or misplaced commas.

  1. Avoid Long and Fancy Words

Avoid using fancy words if you want to write a good copy. Good copy cuts like a knife. Stay away from big words that will make you sound like you are trying too hard.

  1. Be Concise and Clear

Writing with clarity means being concise. Using unnecessary words will often dilute the meaning of the conveyed message. Make sure to carry out extensive research on your topic so that you appear as a person with a genuine interest in offering your help and expertise and of course, know your audience.

  1. Use the AIDA Model
  • Attention – grab your reader’s attention with something catchy and relevant.
  • Interest – facts and uses capture the reader’s attention every time.
  • Desire – make your audience desire the product/service provided.
  • Action – always add a Call-to-action. Tell the reader what to do next.
  1. Use Data and Research

When it comes to copy, it is important to know your audience. Test your copy and research on what words resonate with your audience and capture their attention. Try to build off simple phrases and let the numbers tell you what works.

  1. Feedback

It takes time to be an expert at copywriting. It will definitely not happen overnight and it requires a detailed eye to see what works and what does not. The best way to refine your copywriting is to have another set of fresh eyes on it. Ask help from your partners, friends, or colleagues to ensure that your message is clear enough.

Copywriting for Different Marketing Channels

Different channels address different audiences, peak times, and character limits. Each channel is built for a specific audience. Therefore, one needs to have different styles of writing for different channels. Just like your visuals vary by channel, so should your copywriting. One must understand the intention of the user where you are meeting them. For instance, LinkedIn is a different platform from Snapchat. Can you write the same copy for both? No, you cannot.

Try to get in your consumer's head during this time and think about what catches your eye while scrolling on different platforms. Imagine what it takes for you to stop and read an ad. These things are what will ultimately get your customers hooked. Do not shy away from getting in their heads and producing it on screen.

Great Copy for Call to Actions

A great marketing copy must consist of a well-executed call to action. Make sure to state clearly what you expect your users to do when they read your ad, email, or landing page. There are several tricks and words that you can include to inspire users or customers to take action.

One familiar CTA is "Get Started Now.” Adding the word ‘now’ increases the urgency and has a more significant impact on click-through rates. Another example is using the word "free.” Most people love free things. It is a simple word that holds a lot of power. Your CTA should inspire an urgency to take action. Therefore, take time to ensure you are adding the right message to reach your target audience. Play around with variations of the typical formulas to discover what works best for your brand.

In Summary,

In marketing, copywriting is an incredibly important skill. One of the best ways to stand out is to have impeccable copywriting. This is even more important now that content is accessible in all ways and content creators are finding new platforms every day to tell their story and engage an audience. Effective copywriting will help you break through the noise and stand out from your competitors.

The tips above can will help you create great copy. Try to understand the channel that you are creating the copy for, and think about how the copy can interact effectively with other visuals in your ads. Combine great copywriting with storytelling, and you will create effective communication with your target audience, which will result in a successful ad.

If you need help with your company and you want it to grow and shine, we can help take the hard work off your plate. Feel free to talk to our team for a consultation.